Billions of FREE IMMEDIATE RELIEF $ Ready to Give YOU
Own One (1) Community "Profit Share"
A Bob LeMieux Foundation & Trust
Billions of FREE IMMEDIATE RELIEF $ Ready to Give YOU
Own One (1) Community "Profit Share"
A Bob LeMieux Foundation & Trust
Our "Humanitarian" team has partnered with the US/World Treasury to Provide 100% UPFRONT FUNDING OF ALL your Local Community Improvement Project(s) throughout the World, POST PANDEMIC RECOVERY.
Currently, we are seeking both Local and Worldwide Team members, to centralize the streamlining of upcoming 1,000s of Fully Funded Projects needed
Our "Humanitarian" team has partnered with the US/World Treasury to Provide 100% UPFRONT FUNDING OF ALL your Local Community Improvement Project(s) throughout the World, POST PANDEMIC RECOVERY.
Currently, we are seeking both Local and Worldwide Team members, to centralize the streamlining of upcoming 1,000s of Fully Funded Projects needed around the World; in every community.
We are in need of every position a community needs, such as Internet, Construction, Lawyers, Accounting, Realtors, Contracting, Purchasing Agents, etc. Do you have decades of High Level management, and know Construction and Contracts?
All positions are fully paid, including 100% free in our "New" healthcare system, that is going to be revealed in 2021, COVID Post Recovery .
All this has NOT been announced to the public yet, but stay calm. Glorious things are Planned, you never heard of yet! Programs and the world will be flooded with all our Funding Needs!
Currently HQ is based in Milwaukee, WI, but we are looking for Off-Site Team Leaders, in every single small town.
Do you want to be a local Construction Team leader in your area, and hire/build whatever your city/community needs? Can you meet with your local community leaders and find out their needs that need improving? Can you get estimates by LOCAL businesses for the construction your community needs? If so, We can use you on our ever growing Team.
We WILL prove 100% FUNDING, and Local Team Leaders can oversee its construction, so you only worry about giving the best final product you can. Let us deal with all funding!
Each person who you employ will get a weekly paycheck, along with 100% full Healthcare - FOR LIFE! Bonus monies will be given the more one does, in our community.
This WILL BE the "New" way of doing stuff Post Recovery - So Buckle UP for the new community that will last for 100s of years. I believe Social Security as we know it will end, but EVERY PERSON will be getting a weekly paycheck, and 100% FREE HEALTHCARE - FOR LIFE!
So we will be hiring a HQ Milwaukee Team of personnel, who will support all our Local Teams located throughout the World; or if you have experience in the entire Construction cycle, and wish to be our Team Leader in your area, contact us with your decades of expereince.
All employee's and people who help our Non Profit in each community, will ALL get a outstanding feeling of joy of making our communities safe, get a weekly paycheck, and free 2.0 Healthcare FOR LIFE!
WELCOME TO THE "Future and New" way of life that will be "Normal"!
Local Team Leaders Responsibilites will to organize their own local team(s), who will be helping in our upcoming Great Post-Recovery Reconstruction needed in your area.
Bob LeMieux Trust is currently based out of Milwaukee, WI, USA, and will Fund Humanitarian Projects around the World.
To Register, click "FREE WEEKLY PAYCHECK"
Bob LeMieux Trust is currently based out of Milwaukee, WI, USA, and will Fund Humanitarian Projects around the World.
To Register, click "FREE WEEKLY PAYCHECK" tab at top of page! You are Registering for One (1) Community Profit "Share", which is given to you as a Weekly Paycheck! Every Local Worldwide Community will now be Investing in YOU - and YOU are investing in THEM.
These weekly payments everyone gets is your "Profit Sharing" benefits from YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY! Regardless where you live on Earth (US, Africa, Asia, EU, Middle East, South America, Mexico, India, etc.), every person is Encouraged to SIGN UP and get their FREE WEEKLY PAYCHECK. Our Non-Profit is supplying the Initial 100% Funding in our new sharing of wealth, and rebuilding every inch on the Planet.
We took all the money out of all the Banks in the World, and put all this money in one huge worldwide Fully Funded Bank - and Called it our "Community Bank". This is the 21st Century New way of sharing the money to every person on Planet Earth.
Our "New" Foundation WILL PROVIDE 100% FULL FUNDING OF EVERY SINGLE Community Person/Project needed, that will make your community a better and safer place. You only worry about helping rebuilding your local community in your Free Time. It's that Simple.
IN OUR NEW POST PANDEMIC RECOVERY - Banks will NOT BE FUNDING THESE PROJECTS, But WE WILL! This is part of the "New" Society that will be implemented for the betterment of everyone. "Old" banks and payment delays by Big Gov in getting projects done, WILL NO LONGER be how things will be! And in 2021, 400 of the Fortune 500 Companies will be GONE! "We The People" are regaining back our Society from our evil, greedy rulers! It's Really Happening!
We have been working hard, in a non-public "Behind the Scene's" role, organizing, creating, and formulating a "New" way of doing things, and what is needed in our Communities Post-Recovery era. Glorious Things will happen you can not yet imagine!
A solid plan has been created/approved by 200+ nations around the world, on "how to" lift every single person on earth out of POVERTY, and HOMELESSNESS! This will also end Most crimes, since most Criminals have little money or housing to pay for it. And YES, one has been created and ready to be announced by President Trump, when it is time. Our Organization is aware and planning the fastest way to get money out to each community, Business and Person. We will have $100s of Billions available, so no one will be left behind.
Regardless if you live in a US town of 100 or the size of LA/NYC, or in Africa, Asia, or anywhere else in the world, EACH COMMUNITY will get repaired and upgraded to what each community needs. This will end poverty, crimes, and bring food and water to every human being on earth.
What our organization will be is 100% FUNDING OF ALL THESE PROJECTS, backed by the US/World Treasury! REALLY! GOVERNMENTs and BANKS WILL NO LONGER BE YOUR SOURCE FOR FUNDING Community Projects! Once your project has been approved for FUNDING, it will be paid on the spot, or within 24 hours.
We will fund each of your local communities Humanitarian building project(s) as they need. One may need a New Community, Youth, or Rehab Center, Playground, School, Parks, Land or Water repair, etc. Regardless what each community needs to improve the health and welfare of each person and community, WE WILL 100% Fund every one of them!
If you live in a urban or under developed area, we can purchase vacant land and build homes, community centers, parks, farms, playgrounds, dig Water Wells, etc. We can purchase farm land and reclaim the toxic soil to make our food safe to eat once again. Imagine our funding needed in Africa, to build farm land, and digging deep water wells in a Desert, so locals can grow/eat their own food? We will 100% FUND ALL THEM!
Sound too good to be true? Here's something ever better!
We will be implimenting a program, where each community member will get a weekly paycheck, and free Healthcare - FOR LIFE! This check will cover for all basic life necessities. No more Poverty/Homelessness people!
Each community will give "Shares" on its profits it makes to each person. The more your community increases its value, thru 1or2% interest rates it charges to the borrowing members, will be "Shared" via weekly paychecks. So instead of the fat banks pocketing profits, it will be given back to ones communities, where it benefits everyone in your community.
WELCOME! THIS IS THE "New" FUTURE - Post Recovery and Re-Development that have been planned and approved, and we will be Your ALL IN ONE FUNDING Foundation for your community!
We strive to be the world's #1 POST-PANDEMIC "Humanitiarian" Community Recovery Funding Service Provider, who will FUND all Community Project(s) IN FULL. We will have $100+ Billion, ready to fund Communities for "Humanitarian" projects.
We WILL provide every person on the Planet, with food, water, housing, job, weekly paycheck, 100% UNLIM
We strive to be the world's #1 POST-PANDEMIC "Humanitiarian" Community Recovery Funding Service Provider, who will FUND all Community Project(s) IN FULL. We will have $100+ Billion, ready to fund Communities for "Humanitarian" projects.
We WILL provide every person on the Planet, with food, water, housing, job, weekly paycheck, 100% UNLIMITED free healthcare, and safe and friendly neighborhoods FOR LIFE.
EVERY Community on Earth WILL NEVER have to pay 1 penny of upfront construction costs, nor pay rent/utilities on their buildings they use.
We have partnered with US and World Financial Treasury Centers, who together, WILL FULLY FUND ALL COSTS TO EACH COMMUNITY - PAID IN FULL! Communities no longer have to beg banks or Government for funding.
The Post Pandemic era will flip our world as we "Knew It" on its head!
The "Old" days of pure Greed, crimes and theft by the rich elite families, banks, businesses, companies, and Governments WILL BE REMOVED IN OUR FUTURE, and 99% REPLACED by a TOTALLY NEW "Crimefree" SYSTEM we will be living by.
We all dreamed of a "New" way of life around us, free of crime, starvation, homelessness...AND ITs ALL HAPPENING in the coming days!
In our "New" 2.0 World, 200+ Nations agreed to combine resources, funding, and work together, to create a Totally "New" planet, where every person will have food, water, money, and given housing. Regardless if you live in the US, Africa, Asia, South America, EU, ALL will work as one huge team, to uplift every person on earth.
Thanks to a worldwide team brainstorm, "Sharing Souls" and its founder Bob LeMieux, have teamed with planners of this "New" system of doing things; who all agreed on a plan to change our world to end poverty. Many years went into working out the details, to not leave that single poverty stricken person or community behind.
This plan of our "New Future" world was so solid, that 200+ Nation Leaders Approved, and agreed to 100% FUND EVERYTHING, and is backing OUR WORK IN GOLD/SILVER!
Sharing Souls WILL FUND ALL PROJECTS, that will uplift and benefit each and every community.
So does your Community need Repair or Construction of anything? If it does, you can get YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY Leaders submit in their requests, and get 100% of the costs covered BY US. You only need to document what needs to be repaired or needed, get estimates, and contact us.
Each community will need to HIRE LOCALs for each job, so all monies are kept locally. This in turn puts monies back into their local communities, and reinvests back into each community. After time, our communities will all be Self Funding!
Understand what is coming that will last forever? No more banks and rich elite "hording" their wealth, and keeping it to themselves; but will be 100% reinvested back into each community for continual use.
Understand NOW what is coming? We ARE part of "Pre Announcement" and getting ready to flood the masses with money...
Sharing Souls will Fully Cover ALL Costs COMPLETELY for projects, from beginning to ribbon cutting. After time, each community will be self-funding.
Welcome to our "NEW" 2.0 World that is coming.
Now do you understand why most Banks, large companies and businesses will all Disappear? The evil greedy bankers profits will be removed from their pockets. We here at Sharing Souls will help directly enrich each community, AS WE ARE NOT A "FOR PROFIT" COMPANY! ALL MONIES/PROFITS banks and businesses made in the past, WILL BE SHARE INTO EACH COMMUNITY - aka Self Funding!
Sharing Souls and its Founder Bob LeMieux is NOT LINING HIS POCKETS with any Money, and is a Non Profit Organization, and makes NO PROFIT FROM HELPING YOU!
The "Old" thinking of rich greedy ones, kept our world and its people down. We are "Humanitarians", who want to enrich each community and member, by controlling their own local money, and share with everyone around the world.
So from start through completion, we will help build new buildings, or repair and restortation, whatever project(s) you and your community needs to improve every neighborhoods - WE WILL FuULLY FUND ALL YOUR PROJECTS!
No more will any person or Community be left behind nor in poverty!
Preview of New Post Recovery US bills that will replace the Green bills.
Any support and contributions will be used for initial website costs, and help cover Creating & Learning our New World 2.0 Humanitarian system; until program announcement. Godspeed & Bless you all.
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